Princess Ayanfe’s heart has always been on the side of what is right and just. When the only daughter of a guard on death row pleads with her for clemency, she has no qualms about asking her father, the King, to grant it. To do that, she needs proof and a chat with the accused who is held in the kingdom’s secure prison, a prison she can’t get into without help from the captain of her father’s army.

Captain Dehinde commands an army in the fictional land of Agbo-Ode. He has just returned from a battle with his warriors and is drawn into a murder case involving a dead chief. The snag is, the only witness has just killed himself or so it seems, and the culprit has already been sentenced.

Ayanfe and Dehinde race to save an innocent man in a land where the truth is whatever the tribunal council says it is. There are unseen forces at play in the kingdom, as well as the undeniable feelings that they both have for each other but must hide. This story explores the lives of two courageous people and the hunt for truth in a land where the word of the Tribunal Council is law, and a questionable truth potion decides who lives or dies.

Available in e-format on Amazon, Bambooks, and Okadabooks

Available in print @ Roving Heights Bookshop, Patabah Bookshop, and on my store’s website

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